Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) Evaluation is a fundamental academic tool, which is used to upgrade UoWM’s educational and research processes and improve functionality and efficiency. Evaluation procedures aim at ensuring and enhancing the quality of the University academic Departments and addressing potential problems in terms of status, objectives and mission. UoWM Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) is in line with international practices, and, more specifically, those of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and the principles and directions of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE). It is a University unit that aims to organise, co-ordinate and implement the Quality Assurance and Accreditation procedures of the Institution in compliance with the requirements of the legal framework in Greece (Laws 3374/2005; 4009/2011; 4485/2017). QAU, supported by all members of the academic community and social partners, sets out the University strategy for quality assurance and formulates relevant policies for the ongoing process of enhancing quality. UoWM’s strategy, policies and processes for quality assurance are posted on QAU’s website and are declarations – commitments, which involve:
- the relationship between teaching and research in the University
- UoWM’s strategy for quality -and management-related strategy
- the organisation of UoWM’s internal quality assurance system
- the responsibilities delegated to Departments, Schools and other organisational units, and also members of the academia as regards quality assurance
- students’ engagement in quality assurance
- quality assurance implementation, monitoring and review methods.
Evaluation includes:
- a detailed description and systematic report of University Department and Service processes
- a documented evaluation report and promotion of UoWM’s activities and functions on objective-based criteria and
- integration of the evaluation outcomes in teaching, research and all University functions. Evaluation criteria and indicators are based on the relevant institutional framework, and operate on the following four axes:
- teaching quality
- research quality
- curricula quality and
- quality of other services (administrative services, student welfare, ICT infrastructure, transparency in fund management, etc.)
Communication and dissemination of evaluation results and consecutive academic quality improvement measures ensure the highest transparency in evaluation systems. Evaluation results enhance the achievement of the underlying University objectives, accomplishments, as well as potential weaknesses requiring improvements, which academic unit staff are committed to carrying out. Improvements beyond the capacity of Department staff are carried out by the University Administration, whilst those beyond the capacity of the Administration are undertaken by the State. Both University Departments and the University itself are subject to evaluation processes separately.
More specifically, evaluation processes take place both for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, and all other services involved in the educational, laboratory and research work of the University and academic Departments.
The Quality Assurance Unit is established by decision of the Senate and is composed of:
- the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs or an ex officio professor appointed by decision of the Senate (Chair)
- five academic staff members, appointed by the Senate
- one representative of the scientific and administrative staff, elected by all peer members, at the Rector’s invitation
- one undergraduate students’ representative, appointed by student-members of the Senate, and
- one postgraduate students and doctoral candidates’ representative, elected by all peer students.
QAU members are appointed for a four-year term, whereas student representatives only for one. QAU Administration Service reports to the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs or QAU’s chair, in case they are different persons, and is supported by the Scientific Support Team (SST). By decision of the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, which is ratified by QAU’s decision, a member of the University administrative staff is appointed as general coordinator of the unit and one as Head of administration service. In addition, QAU is supported by two external partners (one for administrative and technical support and one for IT support).
IT Structure and specifications QAU is a central UoWM coordinating unit of quality assurance and accreditation processes, and engages in:
1.e- Evaluations
- a teaching e-evaluation subsystem carried out by undergraduate and postgraduate students for all taught courses 65
- a customised study programme e-evaluation subsystem carried out by undergraduate and postgraduate students, and University partners
- an e-evaluation subsystem for the University Administrative Services, Facilities and Student Welfare via a single questionnaire common for all Departments, and filled in by members of the academic staff, the Special Teaching staff, the Special Laboratory Technical staff, as well as administration service staff members, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and doctoral candidates.
- an e-evaluation subsystem for UoWM central Administrative Services via a single questionnaire, filled in by members of the academic staff, the Special Teaching staff, the Special Laboratory Technical staff, as well as administration service staff members, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and doctoral candidates.
2.Electronic environment with the following information provided by the academic staff: Personal Information
- Education
- Work experience
- Teaching experience
- Thesis supervision (Bachelor’s, Master’s, doctoral research)
- Research
- Scientific committees and partnerships
- Innovative actions – distinctions Teaching Experience Academic staff members can choose one Department (if they teach in at least 2 Departments) and an academic year and:
- fill in information about undergraduate and / or postgraduate courses (in Office Word)
- fill in undergraduate and / or postgraduate course descriptions (in Office Word)
- review and edit a previous year information form
- copy information in various forms Research Impact IT systems operated by QAU enable academic staff members to add information about their new research projects/papers every year, according to HAHE’s requirements. Administration Information on the academic staff’s administration experience can be filled in every year.
The specific information includes membership in:
- competent bodies and committees (drop down list) 66
- University collective bodies and committees
- School collective bodies and committees
- Department collective bodies and committees
- collective bodies and committees of independent University units
- national committees C) Electronic environment of Internal Evaluation Groups (IEG) The electronic environment of the Internal Evaluation Groups (IEG) includes all the above mentioned functions. In addition, it allows IEG members to review and edit all information about the Department to which they belong. QAU members are allowed to compile and process information for all University undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Follow the link to visit QAU’s website: https://modip.uowm.gr/nfe/